My Online Class : Edmodo

      Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog!

      Today I would like to talk about edmodo.


         Edmodo is a website which is basically a social learning platform for teachers, students, and parents. 

                 I met with edmodo in university. My teachers want us to downland the app of edmodo. They created online classes and they gave assignments to us. They set the due to time and we know when we have to hand in the assignments. We hand in these assignments to our teachers via this platform. It was very easy. Also, our teachers created post in edmodo in order to be in touch with us. In these posts we can comment and communicate with our teachers.

              Few days ago, I created my own class in edmodo as a teacher. It was very simple. I created my account as a teacher. I gave info about my class and there it was!

             This was my first post on edmodo. I also, as a teacher, can upload books and materials for my students. In this way, they can reach class materials where ever they are.

             Edmodo is a very helpful website for any classes. It is more easy to get attention of students with online materials. Youngsters love using the internet.  So, every teacher needs to be familiar w ith today's internet and edmodo is a very good choice for this.


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