Storybird: Picture Books
Hello everyone!
Today we will talk about birds who can tell stories.

Storybird is a website in which you can create stories and publish them online. There are teachers and authors who can comment and evaluate your story. You can also add some art elements to your story. There are illustrations of professional artists that you can use in your story and make it a picture book. You can also create your own illustrations.
In storybird, there is a section called "writing challenge". In this section, you can choose classes and learn about how to write a picture book and which elements you should give attention to, etc. You can also get educated from this platform and this education made with picture books too! It is fun to learn through picture books!
In language teaching, storybird can be a very effective material to use. Students will love the idea of an online picture book. In this way, you can increase the reading rate in your class. Plus, you can create your book for your students and use a fun way to teach them!
I, as a teacher candidate, had a really good time on storybook. I am not able to write a story, yet. I think you should give an eye to storybird and have some fun with picture books :)
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