TPACK&SAMR in Language Teaching

Hello!!! Today I would like to say a few words about two terms called TPACK and SAMR. These two frameworks emerged in language teaching because lately technology is a big part of life. To ease and create a better class environment, these two frameworks are needed. Let's learn what is TPACK is first. This framework is created by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler. TPACK focuses on technological knowledge(TK), pedagogical knowledge(PK), and content knowledge(CK). It offers an efficient approach to problems that teachers are facing in implementing technology to classes. According to TPACK framework, some specific technological tools like software, application, etc. are very important to show and guide students with a better understanding of the subject. In TPACK framework, three types of knowledge- technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge- are combined in various different ways. As you can see in the picture...